Churches in Wilmington, NC That Help With Rent – In this article, you can find out how to get rental assistance in Wilmington, North Carolina, if you are in danger of being evicted or behind on your rent payments. Various charity organizations, churches and government assistance programs might have the option to offer emergency financial assistance for paying rent and housing costs.
Other non-profit organizations can assist in the arrangement of low-income housing in the area or provide homeless individuals with grants for a security deposit. Gain access to eviction prevention programs, government help like Section 8 housing, free legal aid, and broad information on rental assistance programs in the area. There are churches that help with rent in North Carolina as a whole if you are a resident of the state looking to get rental assistance. You can also get assistance for basic necessities like food, affordable housing, rent etc. from churches that help with rent in Raleigh NC if you are a resident of the city.
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List of Church Organizations That Help With Rent in Wilmington, NC
Various churches, charities and non-profit organizations help with rent in Wilmington city. Check them all out below.
Mercy House Wilmington, NC
In Wilmington, only short-term housing, shelter, meals, and referrals to charities that may assist with rent payment are provided. The address is 411 Red Cross Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403. Dial 910-343-0707.
St. James Church Shelter
When prepared to leave, find out about loan programs for first months lease and different services. The address is 25 S. 3rd Street Wilmington, NC 28403. Call 910-763-1628.
Community Action Agency is based in Wilmington
the primary organization fighting poverty. They can also direct families to resources for homeless prevention, such as ESG grants for rent or even energy costs. Mediation and other housing assistance is accessible in Wilmington, including for single parents and senior residents. For information, call (910) 762-1177.
Mother Hubbards Cupboard
The address is 1314 Marstellar St. Wilmington, NC 28402. To learn more, you can call at 910-251-1465.
Salvation Army – New Hanover County
This non-profit organization runs different monetary assistance programs. They likewise offer case management, references, and counseling. You may be eligible for some emergency rent assistance if you received an eviction notice from your landlord. The main branch location is 820 N. 2nd St. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403. Call 910-762-5948 to learn more.
Housing Authority Of The City Of Wilmington
The rapid rehousing and homeless prevention program is run by this organization. In New Hanover County, North Carolina, you can get money for security deposits, hotel or motel vouchers, and other forms of housing assistance. The address is Wilmington, NC – 28401-6426. Phone: (910)341-7700.
Crisis Line
The main address is 615 Shipyard Blvd. Wilmington, North Carolina 28412. You can reach them by dialing either 910-392-7408 or 800-672-2903.
First In Families
For shelter, low income housing or transitional housing, call (910) 350-2737. The location is 5041 New Centre Drive, Suite 109, Wilmington, NC 28403.
Wilmington Interfaith Network
A short term shelter or transitional housing unit. Some of the social service programs are administered. To learn more, call them at 910-762-0339.
Carolina and Kure Beach – Island Cottage
They provide immediate financial assistance for necessities like rent, utilities, and food. There is also a thrift store where you can get free or low-cost furniture for an apartment, transitional housing, holiday assistance, and other things. The non-profit offers all of this, in addition to grants or loans to assist with rent payment. The location is 1313 Bridge Barrier Rd, Carolina Beach, NC 28428. Dial (910) 458-9339.
Legal Aid Wilmington, NC
There is free, or pro bono, legal aid available. This may include informing tenants of unsafe rental properties or apartments. Also learn about your rights in the event of an eviction. It may provide access to rental assistance in times of emergency. The address is 200 N Front St., Wilmington, NC. Phone number: 910-763-6207.
Rescue Mission Wilmington, NC
The homeless can receive transitional housing and shelter. Referrals to loan programs for rental costs can be provided to some tenants who are on the verge of evictions. The address is 502 Castle Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. Phone: 910-343-0366.
Good Shepherd House Wilmington, NC
Families in New Hanover County who are homeless, working poor, and very low-income receive emergency shelter and food assistance from this charitable organization. The address is 811 Martin St. Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. Dial 910-762-4424.
Keaton Wilmington, NC
The main address is 2308 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28503. The primary phone number is 910-763-9275.
Camden Circle Wilmington, NC
The address is 3258 Camden Wilmington, North Carolina 28403. Dial 910-763-4487 for Shelter and case management.
Bottom Line
As well as providing direct financial help with back rent, large numbers of the non-profit organizations can likewise refer people and families to different churches, charities, and resources across the Wilmington city. All of the organizations have made it their mission to assist low-income, unemployed, elderly, and disadvantaged individuals. There are churches that help with rent available all across the United States to assist you with not only rent assistance but utilities, food, mortgage and other necessities. If you are a resident of Durham County, North Carolina, you can seek assistance from churches that help with rent in Durham, NC.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
Below are some most frequently asked questions about the churches that help with rent in Wilmington NC.
What are the eligibility requirements for rent assistance in Wilmington, NC?
The eligibility requirements for rent help vary from church to church. However, maximum programs require you to be a member of the church or a resident of New Hanover County. You can also be required to satisfy income guidelines as well as a demonstrated need for help.
How do I apply for rent assistance in Wilmington, NC?
In order to apply for lease assistance in Wilmington, North Carolina, you will need to get in touch with the church or organization that offers the program. Every program has its own application procedure, so that you will need to follow the instructions that are given out by the organizations.
How much rent assistance can I receive from a church in Wilmington?
In Wilmington city, New Hanover County, NC, the amount of rent support that you may acquire from a church will change depending upon your income and the funds of the program. However, most of these programs provide enough support to pay for one month’s lease.
What other resources are available to help me with rent in Wilmington, NC?
In addition to rent help programs offered via churches in Wilmington, NC, there are some other sources available to help people in need. These assets may additionally consist of government assistance programs, non-profit organizations, and private charities. If you are struggling to pay your rent, you have to contact a neighborhood resource center or social service organizations to study the alternatives that are available to you.