Cheap or Free Car insurance assistance for single mothers are available through various sources that include insurance companies, non-profit organizations and government agencies. It can be really hard for a single mother to get car insurance and therefore these sources can provide some genuine help. If you are a single mother, you might know that getting car insurance can be really expensive for a single mother. A single mother has to manage all other expenses on a tight budget that includes housing costs, childcare costs and basic expenses. There are also free car grants for single mothers that can help them in getting a new car. Today, we will be covering everything about car insurance assistance for single mothers.
Highlights of this Post
What is car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers?
In simple terms car insurance assistance for single mothers offers help to the single mothers to purchase their car insurance. Having car insurance is mandatory as it protects the family from any kind of car accident or theft. However, it is quite hard for the single mothers to afford car insurance and therefore car insurance assistance can be of great help to them in covering the insurance money.
How Many Licenced Female Drivers are there In USA?
State | Number of female licensed drivers |
Alabama | 1,147,722 |
Alaska | 149,936 |
Arizona | 1,545,461 |
Arkansas | 636,120 |
California | 13,847,935 |
Colorado | 1,303,903 |
Connecticut | 965,935 |
Delaware | 212,229 |
Florida | 7,468,685 |
Georgia | 3,648,033 |
Hawaii | 276,696 |
Idaho | 374,479 |
Illinois | 4,223,370 |
Indiana | 2,407,761 |
Iowa | 1,465,527 |
Kansas | 991,829 |
Kentucky | 1,270,438 |
Louisiana | 1,350,765 |
Maine | 415,125 |
Maryland | 1,714,736 |
Massachusetts | 2,646,641 |
Michigan | 3,964,582 |
Minnesota | 2,618,078 |
Mississippi | 1,140,817 |
Missouri | 2,052,592 |
Montana | 347,190 |
Nebraska | 672,141 |
Nevada | 570,132 |
New Hampshire | 427,901 |
New Jersey | 3,278,018 |
New Mexico | 634,384 |
New York | 6,143,990 |
North Carolina | 3,957,468 |
North Dakota | 224,770 |
Ohio | 4,143,642 |
Oklahoma | 1,144,554 |
Oregon | 1,499,422 |
Pennsylvania | 4,599,445 |
Rhode Island | 315,797 |
South Carolina | 1,883,876 |
South Dakota | 307,116 |
Tennessee | 2,332,385 |
Texas | 7,645,376 |
Utah | 763,130 |
Vermont | 261,526 |
Virginia | 2,958,120 |
Washington | 2,995,719 |
West Virginia | 724,638 |
Wisconsin | 2,330,125 |
Wyoming | 179,549 |
Eligibility Requirements for Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers
To be eligible for the car insurance assistance for single mother, you need to meet some of the common eligibility requirements that has been listed below:
- Your Income – One of the main requirements for a car assistance program is low income. To qualify for the car insurance assistance program you need to meet the low income criteria.
- Driving Record – You need to have a clean driving record to qualify for the car insurance assistance program.
- Marital Status – You need to be a single mother to qualify for the car insurance assistance program. As these programs are only meant for single mothers.
- Family Composition – Your family composition also determines whether you are eligible for the program. Some programs only help single mothers who have multiple children.
Apart from that the car insurance assistance program might have some specific requirement that you need to fulfill to qualify.
Documents Required for Cas Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers
You need a few documents for car insurance assistance for single mothers, the documents that are required are:
- Income Proof – You need to provide documents supporting your income like salary slip or tax returns.
- Proof of House Composition: You need to provide documents of you and your children’s birth certificate to confirm the number of family members.
- Driving Record Proof: You need to provide documents that state that you have a clean driving record. (Your driving license)
- Marital Status Proof: You need to produce documents that proves that you are a single mother. Therefore it is important to submit your divorce papers or any other letter proving that you are a single mom.
Government Programs That Help With Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers
According to a survey of the National Insurance Crime Bureau that was conducted in the year 2021 found that there are approximately 26 percent uninsured drivers who are single mothers. Another study was conducted by Insurance for Highway Safety in 2022 where uninsured drivers faced more accidents in comparison to insured drivers.
The United Way conducted a survey where it was found that 40 percent of single mothers struggle a lot to get car insurance as they are unable to meet the basic necessities. So, it can be said that single mothers struggle a lot and are unable to get car insurance because of low income.
Moreover if you are an uninsured driver then you might face various consequences like car accident, car damage and much more. Apart from that you will be unable to recover from that situation easily and therefore it is vitally important to get car insurance.
We have founded some programs that help single mothers with car insurance assistance. You can try seeking programs like Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), nonprofits, churches etc. To know more about such organizations you can try calling on 211 or contact the local United Office in your area.
2021 found that there are approximately 26 percent uninsured drivers who are single mothers. Another study was conducted by Insurance for Highway Safety in 2022 where uninsured drivers faced more accidents in comparison to insured drivers.
The United Way conducted a survey where it was found that 40 percent of single mothers struggle a lot to get car insurance as they are unable to meet the basic necessities. So, it can be said that single mothers struggle a lot and are unable to get car insurance because of low income.
Moreover if you are an uninsured driver then you might face various consequences like car accident, car damage and much more. Apart from that you will be unable to recover from that situation easily and therefore it is vitally important to get car insurance.
We have founded some programs that help single mothers with car insurance assistance. You can try seeking programs like Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), nonprofits, churches etc. To know more about such organizations you can try calling on 211 or contact the local United Office in your area.
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is an agency of state insurance commissioners that works to safeguard customers and build the insurance industry. The NAIC website likewise has a database of car insurance assistance programs for low-income individuals and households. You can search the database by state to locate programs in your area.
Here is some more information about the NAIC car insurance assistance program database
The database includes programs from loads of sources that include national governments, non-profit organizations, and insurance agencies.The database includes programs that provide different kinds of help, inclusive of discounts on premiums, monetary help, and assist with locating affordable insurance.
The database is updated regularly to make certain that the data is accurate and up to date. To use the NAIC car insurance assistance program database, make sure to visit the NAIC website and pick the “State Car Insurance Assistance Programs” link from the menu. You will then be able to search the database by using state to discover programs in your region.
Here are some examples of car insurance assistance programs that you can discover in the NAIC database:
Low Income Automobile Insurance Assistance Program (IAP) : The IAP is a state-run program that helps low-income people and families have the funds for vehicle coverage. The program is available in a few states, but not all.
Good Student Discount : Many insurance agencies provide discounts to college students. To qualify for the discount price, you need to normally have a GPA of 3.0 or better.
Safe Driver Discount : Many insurance agencies offer discounts to protect drivers. To qualify for the discount, you need to normally have a smooth driving record for a certain number of years.
Military Discount : Many insurance agencies offer reductions to active and retired military employees.
Bundling Discount : Many insurance agencies provide discounts to clients who program their auto insurance with different sorts of insurance, consisting of homeowners insurance or renters insurance.
The Low Income Automobile Insurance Assistance Program (IAP)
The Low Income Automobile Insurance Assistance Program (IAP) is basically a state-run program that helps individuals and households with low incomes access the funds for car insurance. The program is accessible in a few states.
In order be eligible for the IAP, you must normally be needed to meet the following necessities:
- Be a verified driver
- Have a good driving record
- Have a low income
If you’re a single mother and likewise you meet the eligibility requirements, you’ll be able to get car insurance through the IAP. However, this program is not exclusively designed for single mothers. It is likewise accessible to all low-income people and households.
To find out if the IAP is available in your state and to learn more about its eligibility necessities, you can visit the website of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC): You can likewise get in touch with your local state insurance branch without delay.
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federal program that provides financial assistance to low-income families with children. TANF can help with a variety of expenses, including food, housing, and utilities. However, TANF does not specifically provide assistance with car insurance.
Some states do allow TANF recipients to use their benefits to pay for car insurance, but this is not required by federal law. If you are a single mother who is receiving TANF and need help with car insurance, you should contact your local TANF office to see if your state allows this.
If your state does not allow you to use TANF benefits to pay for car insurance, there are a number of other resources that can help. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has a website with information on car insurance assistance programs for low-income individuals and families. You can find the website here:
State Wise Government Funded Programs that help with Free car Insurance to Low Income Needy
In recent years, only three states in the USA have been providing government-funded car insurance programs for eligible low-income single drivers. These states are New Jersey, Hawaii, and California.
CLCA, California Low-Cost Automobile
The CLCA stands for California Low Cost Automobile Program which provides liability as well as underinsured motorist protection for low-income single mom drivers who can meet the necessary eligibility criteria. To qualify for the CLCA program you need to fulfill the following criteria.
- Have a car less than $25,000
- Have family income within 250% of the FPL
- Have an excellent driving record
The exact cost of California Low-Cost Automobile Insurance may vary based on many factors such as your driving record however it is comparatively lower than standard car insurance cost.
HAIP, Hawaii Automobile Insurance Program
The Hawaii Automobile Insurance Program provides liability as well as collision coverage for eligible low-income single-moms. To be eligible for assistance you need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria.
- Have a car less than $20,000
- Have family income at or less than 200% of the FPL
- Have an excellent driving record
- Must have a valid driver’s license
The cost of the Hawaii Automobile Insurance Program may be subsidized by the state thereby making it affordable for eligible low-income single mom drivers.
SAIP, New Jersey Special Automobile Insurance Policy
The New Jersey Special Automobile Insurance Program provides basic liability including medical payment coverage for single-mom drivers who belong to low low-income category. To qualify for assistance you need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria
- Have family income within 200% of FPL
- Have an excellent driving record
- Have a valid driver’s license
- Have a car worth not more than $15,000
The cost of the insurance program is around $365 annually respective on your driving record.
My State Does Not Provide Car Insurance Assistance, What should I Do Now?
Single moms who are living in a state which do not provide any government-funded car insurance program can still avail of affordable car insurance in the following ways:
Compare Quotes From Different Car Insurance Companies
It is interesting to note that the cost of car insurance programs may vary depending on the company however single moms can compare the quotations from at least three companies before making a well-informed decision.
Make Use Of Discount Deals
A lot of car insurance companies provide discounts to low-income single moms for things like bundling different insurance policies, excellent driving records, and having adequate safety features in the vehicle.
Raising Your Deductibles
The amount of money that you have to pay out of your pocket before your car insurance company starts paying for the necessary repairs is known as deductibles. Low-income single moms can raise their deductible to lower their monthly insurance premiums. It is necessary to ensure that you can afford to pay the deductible in case you have an accident.
Low-income single moms who are still facing difficulty in availing of an affordable car insurance program must contact their state’s insurance department for financial assistance and support.
Non-Profit Organization That Help With Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers
There are a few non-profit organizations that offer help to the single mothers who need car insurance assistance.
Cars for Moms
Cars for Moms is a well known non profit organization that offers assistance to single mothers who are struggling with low income. The main objective of the organization is to provide the single mothers with affordable and reliable transport. So, if you are looking for help with car insurance then Cars for Moms can provide you help in finding a low cost car insurance policy for you. Apart from that, Cars for Moms also funds your car insurance if you are eligible. To know more about the program visit the official website of Cars for Moms or call them at 1-800-761-CARS (2277).
Wheels for Success
Another non-profit organization in our list is Wheels for Success, this organization offers assistance with transportation to the low income families. They also help single mothers with car insurance assistance. To know more about car insurance assistance you can visit the official website of Wheels for Success or directly call them at (813) 498-0105 / (813) 417-1090.
Good News Garage
Good News Garage is a 501 © (3) non profit organization that offers the low income individuals and families with car assistance. So, if you are looking for help with car insurance assistance then you can check out one of their programs named “Get Rolling”. This program helps the low income families or individuals with financial assistance to pay their car insurance premium. To know more about them visit the official website of Good News Garage or call them at 1-877-448-3288.
1-800 Charity Cars
Another nonprofit that can help you with car insurance assistance is 1-800 Charity Cars. This organization is widely distributed as they have a well built network connecting more than 2,000 charities. However, they do not provide car insurance assistance to single mothers directly but they might refer to you various sources of help regarding car insurance assistance. To contact them you can visit the official website of 1-800 Charity Cars or call them at 1-800-242-7489.
Churches That Help single Mothers with Car Insurance Premium
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is one of the well known churches that helps the single mother with car insurance assistance. You can also get help with car insurance premiums from St. Vincent de Pau. To know more you can try visiting a local St. Vincent de Paul in your area or visit the official website of St. Vincent de Paul.
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran Social Services is another faith based organization that offers help with car insurance premiums. Apart from that they also provide help with car repairs and car insurance. To know more about the program visit the official website of Lutheran Social Services. You can also visit a local office of Lutheran Social Services.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is one of most widely known faith based organizations that has also come forward to help the needy. If you are a single mother you can get help with car insurance premiums and car insurance assistance from the Salvation Army. To know about their programs visit the official website of the Salvation Army or you can directly visit the local Salvation Army in your area.
Other Ways To Get Help With Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mother
Apart from the government programs and non profit organizations there are also a few ways to get help with car insurance assistance for single mothers.
If you are struggling to get help with car insurance assistance you can try websites like GoFundMe to raise money. However, it is recommended for you to research a bit and choose the right platform to start the crowdfunding procedure.
Local Churches
You can try to seek help from local churches in your area with car insurance assistance for single mothers. All you need to do is visit the local church and ask if they are running any kind of car insurance assistance programs.
Employer- Sponsored Car Insurance Programs
Many organizations provide car insurance assistance to their employers. You can try asking your management whether they can help you with car insurance assistance. So, if they run such programs you can seek help with Car Insurance Assistance.
Local Government and Social Service Agencies
You can also seek help from your local government body in your area. There are local government or social service agencies that assist single mothers with car insurance assistance programs. Try contacting your local government or local social service agency and know if they are running such programs.
How To Apply for Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers?
When you are planning to apply for car insurance assistance for a single mother, you are required to research a bit and choose the suitable program. However, remember that each program has different eligibility requirements and therefore check them out before applying. You have to submit documents that include proof of income, driving record, car registration, family composition and proof of any government enrolled program like TANF or SNAP.
- Foremost you need to gather all the required documents as it will help you to complete your application procedure quite easily.
- Prepare yourself to answer the questions about why you need car insurance assistance. Most of the organization will ask you and therefore be well prepared on how to answer those questions.
- Keep calm and be patient as the application procedure can be quite time consuming.
Bottom Line
Car Insurance Assistance for Single Mothers are much required as they do not have the capability to afford them as they are very expensive. However, there are a number of programs that have already been mentioned that might be of great help in providing car insurance assistance to single mothers. Go through the programs and apply for the one that you think is suitable for you. Apart from that there is also free car repair assistance for single mothers that will help them in saving their hard earned money from repair costs.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have answered some of the frequently asked questions on the car insurance assistance for single mothers:
Is there car insurance assistance for single mothers?
Yes, you can find car insurance assistance for single mothers from government and nonprofit organizations. However, you need to meet a few specific eligibility requirements to qualify for the program.
How to apply for car insurance assistance for single mothers?
The application procedure is quite simple, you just need to meet the eligibility requirements by submitting all the supporting documents to the organization that is providing your car insurance assistance.