How to apply for the section 8 waiting list? – The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program assists millions of needy Americans to find clean, comfortable and safe housing. However, for each household assigned a housing voucher, several others remain on the long waiting list. Many times the wait for Section 8 rental assistance takes years however some applicants can bump to the top of the waiting list and can receive such special treatment in some cases.
Navigating the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is rewarding for both landlords and tenants. The program offers affordable housing solutions to low-income families. Understanding the eligibility criteria of the application procedure in the Section 8 waiting list is important if you want to qualify for assistance.
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What Is The Section 8 Waiting List?
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list is important and contains a comprehensive list of all the applicants who need housing assistance. The Section 8 waiting list is not a one-size-fits-all option.
Every public housing agency in the different states of America maintains its own waiting list based on the availability of funding, the jurisdiction and the specific needs. Depending on the availability of funds and rental units the public housing authorities will select eligible applicants from the list and provide them with rental vouchers.
Due to the limited resources available and high demand for safe and affordable housing, eligible participants are sometimes put on the waiting list. The waiting period for Section 8 rental vouchers can also exceed up to seven years however there are certain cases where applicants get priority.
Who Qualifies For Section 8 Voucher?
The Section 8 waitlist by HUD exceeds the limit that the department can accommodate. The department doesn’t have sufficient funding or housing units available for all applicants so the applications go to the waiting list. Depending on the availability of housing units and funds people can get assistance.
To be eligible for the Section 8 housing choice voucher program you need to meet the eligibility criteria established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These criteria are as follows:
Income Limits
Section 8 housing choice vouchers assist low-income families and individuals whose income falls below the federal poverty guidelines.
Individuals and families who are citizens of the United States or are eligible immigrants can receive housing assistance under this program and are placed on Section 8 waiting lists as well.
Eviction History and Criminal Records
Applicants of the Section 8 Housing Choice voucher program should not have an eviction history or drug-related criminal activity within the past three years if they want to qualify for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and be placed on the waiting list.
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How can I apply for a Section 8 waiting list?
Step 1: Determine how requests are accepted
Online applications, mail applications, and office applications are usually available. Housing offices will provide instructions on how to get an application. Applicants who cannot fill out the application on their own may have someone else (such as a social worker) fill it out for them.
A free account can be created online through a portal, and/or an email address must be valid to submit an online application. HUD policy prohibits housing offices from charging for Section 8 or Public Housing applications.
Step 2: Complete all application steps
The Section 8 applications require the names, dates of birth, social security numbers, and annual income of all family members, including children. Household members under 18 are not included in this calculation since they do not receive any labor income.
In addition to applicants’ mailing address and/or email address, phone number, housing history, criminal history, and confirmation of preferences (if applicable), other information may be required. The application should be completed according to the instructions of the public housing office.
Step 3: Apply and keep your information up-to-date
If the application is not submitted according to the instructions of the housing office, it will not be considered. For instance Applications submitted by mail will not be accepted if they can only be submitted in person. Applicants who submit their applications after the deadline will also be disqualified.
The office will take a few weeks or months to process your application once it has been submitted. A lot depends on the number of resources available for reviewing applications.
Step 4: Estimate how long you will have to wait if you are put on a list
Depending on the office, your wait time can vary greatly. Because the demand for affordable housing is so high, and the supply is so low, many people end up waiting for years for a place to live. There are generally very long lists in large metropolitan areas, whereas shorter lists are found in less populated areas.
To find out how long the waiting list is, it is best to contact the housing office and ask a representative for an estimate. Ask how you can get a copy of their Annual Plan if they cannot provide an estimate.
Step 5: Stay-in-touch with your local housing authority
It is also a good idea to regularly check the status of your waiting list: online, by phone, or in person is the most common way to complete this. Depending on the office, they may not be able to provide your exact position on the list, however, they will confirm if you are still on the list.
What Are The Different Ways To Get Priority In Section 8 Waiting List?
There are many reasons why local public housing authorities choose to move a few families and individuals to the top of the wait list so that they can find suitable housing opportunities faster than others. If you belong to any one of the following groups then you can get a priority on the waiting list.
Being Homeless
Individuals and families who are currently homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless represent a vulnerable population in America and they get priority from public housing authorities.
Homeless applicants generally move to the top of the Section 8 waitlist quickly unlike others. You can check with your public housing authority about whether they prioritize homeless applicants and how they define homelessness.
Having A Disability
In some cases, public housing authorities give priority consideration to disabled household members. If you fall into this category then you need to submit relevant medical documentation showing a medical condition or disability that is making it difficult for you to survive in your current living condition. For instance, a household member suffering from asthma can experience worsening symptoms if they are living in a place with poor indoor air quality.
Being An Elderly Citizen Of 62 Years or Above in Age
Elderly citizens of the United States who are 62 years old and above are one of the vulnerable populations who are going through a housing crisis. Public housing authorities prioritize households led by senior citizens who are 62 years or older.
A guiding philosophy of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is to ensure that the elderly citizens of America have access to safe, clean, affordable and decent places to live comfortably.
Belong To Extremely Low-Income Group or Going Through Housing Crises
- Section 8 housing choice voucher program serves extremely low, very low and low-income households.
- Individuals earning 30% of the median income within their area of residence belong to the extremely low-income category.
- Households who earn 50% of their area median income belong to the very low-income category.
- Households earning around 80% of the median income belong to the low-income category.
Public housing authorities prioritize extremely low-income families followed by very low and then low-income individuals. Around 75% of accepted applications from public housing authorities constitute extremely low-income families.
Being A Veteran
A lot of veterans require housing assistance after their military lives. The HUD assists veterans and military members in finding affordable housing so that they can transition to civilian life from the military.
If you or any of your household members have served in the United States armed forces then you need to include the military documentation in your application. Being a veteran will help you to gain high priority on the Section 8 waiting list.
Residing In a Shelter
The objective of the Section 8 housing program is to assist families and individuals so that they can acquire affordable and safe homes and move out of emergency housing or transitional shelter. If you are presently living in emergency housing, shelter or local public housing authority then you can move to the top of the waiting list.
The demand for housing choice voucher programs generally surpasses the supply of public housing units available for rental assistance for eligible individuals and families. In this type of situation, eligible families and individuals have to stay on the waiting list for several months or even years. It is important to be familiar with the reasons why the public Housing Authority prioritizes one application and then begin the application procedure.
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Why does The Section 8 Housing Program Have A Waiting List?
While applying for the Section 8 housing choice voucher program the first and foremost step is to submit one preliminary application form which outlines your basic information about your household, financial situation and personal circumstances.
Based on the relevant information that you submit, your public housing authority will assess your eligibility for the waiting list. On deeming fit for the program, you will receive a rental voucher. Unfortunately, there are inadequate Section 8 housing apartments or units available throughout the states of America to serve participants who apply for the program. Participants are placed on a long waiting list until a supply of housing is available for them to avail on rent.
The exact amount of time an individual spends on the Section 8 waitlist depends on several factors but few household characteristics get priority over others. Applicants remain on Section 8 waiting lists for months or years before receiving a housing choice voucher program.
As per studies around 25% of applicants receive the actual housing assistance that they require. To find rental housing quickly a lot of applicants apply with several public housing authorities to be on multiple waiting lists at the same time.
How To Track Section 8 Waiting List And Status Online?
Contact Your Local Public Housing Authority
The key to unlocking the mystery that comes with the Section 8 waiting list position lies with local public housing authorities in America. Every city or county in America has a Public Housing Authority that manages the Section 8 housing assistance program.
Individuals who qualify for the Section 8 housing program and are placed on waiting lists can call their housing authority every two or three months to confirm they are on the list and whether they are moving up on the list. They can call the local HUD office and request relevant information. To locate your public Housing Authority you can use the HUD official website.
Provide Your Details And Information To The Authority
Once you access the contact details of your local housing authority, prepare yourself to visit or call the authority and provide public housing authorities relevant information about your application form and other details like your name, application or reference number and other identifying information.
Inquire About Your Application Status
The next step is to ask the Public Housing Authority representative patiently and politely about the status of your Section 8 application and your position on the waiting list. Public housing authorities have to deal with countless inquiries daily therefore being courteous will go a long way to ensure you get the best possible assistance from them. It is important to keep in mind that the waiting list is long and patience is the key to success.
Follow Up With Your Public Housing Authority
It would be great if you get a definitive answer to your queries or position on the waiting list from the representatives of your housing authority however if you don’t or if you encounter any discrepancies or issues in the information don’t be discouraged. You can inquire or ask for clarification about the next steps in the procedure. Following up on your application form shows your commitment to secure housing assistance and will make sure your application receives the right attention.
Keep Your Information Current And Updated In Records Of Public Housing Authorities
When you are on the Section 8 waiting list you need to maintain open communication with your Housing Authority and inform them if your contact information or address changes. Keeping your information updated or current will prevent potential issues or delays with your application. While the waiting lists can be lengthy, persistence and patience are the keys. Keep your information updated and stay in contact with your local Housing Authority.
What Should I Do When I’m On Section 8 Waiting List?
Being on the Section 8 waiting list doesn’t mean you are a passive applicant. There are steps that you can take to actively participate in the application procedure.
Document The Procedure
The first and foremost step is to keep records of written communication between you and your public Housing Authority and notes from any phone calls made. Documenting the procedure may end up being significant if there is any clerical error or misunderstanding. This is because government agencies or representatives can make some mistakes.
Communicate Promptly
Make sure you communicate promptly with your public Housing Authority and be responsive. On receiving any response from your public Housing Authority or HUD respond quickly so that they know you are enthusiastic and interested in receiving housing assistance from the program.
Report Any Changes Made To Your Public Housing Authority
It is significant to update public housing authorities if there are any sudden changes made to your income, household address or contact number. For instance, if you give birth to a child born with a disability or if you’re experiencing a sudden change in household income do not forget to inform your public Housing Authority. Also, apply with multiple public housing authorities at one time. The more list you are on the higher will be your chance of getting awarded a voucher.
How Long Is The Section 8 Waiting List?
The waiting list for the Section 8 voucher program can be very long with an average time of three years before public housing authorities find the right placement for eligible applicants. In case you have all the documents and paperwork together you have a better chance to move to the top of the waiting list. Following are the documents that you need in order to move up to the Section 8 waiting list.
- State-issued photo IDs
- Proof of household income and employment information
- Special circumstances like being disabled, being elderly or navigating homelessness
- Having no prior drug or criminal records
- Proof of legal citizenship or immigrant status
A lot of American individuals wait for up to seven years to get affordable and safe housing in the Section 8 rental voucher program. As the waiting lists are long you can call your public Housing Authority two or three months alternatively to learn about your position on the waiting list. You can visit the applicant portal on and keep track of your application status online. The next step is to input your Social Security number to assess your Section 8 application form.
Being placed on the Section 8 waiting list can be frustrating and stressful for any applicant. However, if your household falls into any one of the aforementioned special categories you will be eligible for priority consideration. Reach out to your public housing authorities if any one of these conditions apply to you and seek assistance from them. Since 2018 more than 5 million needy Americans have relied on the Section 8 housing choice voucher program for rental assistance. This is a far-reaching and comprehensive program that helps them with clean, affordable and safe housing.